
For the GEEK in you

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Inaugural blowhard post...

Sharjah has a sign that says, "Smile, you are in Sharjah." It is written in flowers.

Dubai needs something like that.

Of course, mighty Dubai doesn't need a sign like that - we have all these wonderful (and they truly are) architetural monoliths to show everyone Dubai is the place to be, if you wanna be someone. This is a young, vibrant city, the kind that's fresh out of university and eager to take on the world and show the folks that all that money didn't go to waste. No one can give you the time of day here because their watch is set to tomorrow. We will soon have a ski slope in the desert. We have our own Grand Prix series, the world's richest horse race and engineering masterpieces like the Palm and the Burj.

Thing is, we're just too busy to put up a sign like that. Who has time to smile anyway? What is a smile? Can I spend it? Everyone's trying to change - this country is like the world's largest self help group. Everyone rushing from A to B, clinging to pillar C while shoving the next guy offa D. Hey, I'm not complaining: change is good. Without change, this remarkable environment (and you Shk Z - we miss ya) the lives of myself and millions of others might well have been different in another country, working against the odds to survive. But no one is ever satisfied The government keeps pushing for improvements, the workforce wants more salaries and the rich - well, they just want to get richer (but I'm pretty sure they are happy.) Maybe it's modern consumerist society - grab that brass ring now! Are we satisfied? Ask the average person and they'll say "Sure...but here's my laundry list of changes for the UAE that will make my life better.." - in other words, missing the point of the question.

Forget it people. Think you are content because of that car/watch/mobile? You will never be as long as you make that brass ring real. Sometimes, you just have to smile. Just forget it all and think, "all things considered, this place ain't that bad. In fact, I may just like it. But you didn't hear it from me."

Our real problem is those Sharjah guys.


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