
For the GEEK in you

Sunday, November 19, 2006

GITEX: Aka Nigger, We Just Getting Started Up In Here, Day Two of Seven.

A day of highs and lows.

The morning was so utterly dull I was considering packing in the whole enterprise. From 11AM to 4PM, there wasn't a person walking around who wasn't dangling an exhibitor badge from their lapel. It's only to be expected, I guess. Today is a working day, after all. But goddamnit, aren't there supposed to be overseas visitors?

Words simply can't express how dire things were. Nearly five hours of standing around without a single sale can wear down a soul mighty quick. Sure enough, most of my guys were soon either entrenched at the cafeteria or wandering around in search of things to do.

It did afford me time for more of my Patented Marwan Scrutiny (PMS for all you acronym fans):
  • Exhibitors will do just about anything to stave off boredom. Newspapers, menus, address books - everything and anything makes good reading matter.
  • How do these kids do it? I'm fagged out and haggard after a mere two days, but these tousled Archies and Veronics turn up every day looking like they swished off a fashion ramp. It's not just the morning either - evening arrives and they're still putting the Energizer bunny to shame while I'm slumped over my printers looking for all the world like the lost piece from Cluedo.
  • Not much time to look at GOD today, thankfully. Fuck me, I need to find some goldarn closure soon or I'm going to be saddled with this for all eternity. Although heaven knows what this poor girl is thinking with me staring away at her all day.
Which brings me neatly to post 4PM and the start of the evening rush. Who should turn up to sample Guitar Hero at the neighbouring stall but a white lass from i-Mate, with unseasonably good legs and a reasonable bum to boot. Pity her face wasn't anything to write home about.

For some reason, though, the fact that a white girl was playing Guitar Hero seemed to draw a crowd. Of mostly Arab and Indian Expats. I struggle to think of a time when I have been less impressed with my fellow man. Are we so shallow that we will stare at anything in a skirt? Being uber-geek that I am, I was more interested in the killer scores she was racking up in GH. Probably the only one though.

You have no idea how annoying it is that you can't bring your own food in. The sole cafeteria, as I've mentioned earlier, is ridiculously overpriced and mightily limited in seating. Ah, you say, but why not pop out for a bite?

That brings me neatly to my next point - Airport Expo has shit all for parking. Oh sure, morning is fine when the exhibitors rock up, but by nightfall it's a mess of practically Global Village proportions. Get on it, DWTC - it does nothing for your image when traffic cops are forced to direct the frustrated shoppers.

Speaking of frustrations, it burns that all the good, frontal space is taken by the big boys. They've used so much real estate for useless displays, most of which have little to no connection with the computing world. While here we are with honest-to-goodness compy goodness and nobody knows where the hell we are, situated so expertly as we are next to the toilets. Kentia Hall, your Middle Eastern twin is East Hall, Airport Expo.

That's all she wrote for today. Things are looking grim, boys and girls. We started off salespeople - but now we're just plain old hustlers. Pretty soon we'll be down to grifting.


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